TABB provides business opportunities for brokers and for affiliates
Welcome To TABB

Thank you for inquiring into membership in the only non-profit, state association devoted to improving business brokerage in Texas. Here you will find an explanation regarding why and how to join TABB, the oldest business brokerage trade association in the nation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Donna Trowbridge at or (214) 445-6395.
What It Means To Be A TABB Member
- Education courses and training for business brokers (new and seasoned brokers).
- Professional certification program – “Board Certified Broker” (BCB).
- Access to legal forms for use in your day-to-day practice.
- An established Code of Ethics.
- Use of TABB logo on company printed material.
- Listing in the TABB membership directory available to buyers and sellers.
- Statewide news and information on latest industry, legal and legislative issues.
- Professional networking opportunities.
- Mentoring opportunities.
- Periodic meetings, conventions and special events.
Membership Categories
TABB is a professional association, and as such, membership is open only to individuals within and affiliated with the business brokerage profession and industry. There are two membership categories in TABB – (1) Business Brokers and (2) Affiliates, those who provide the business broker profession with products and services, such as bankers, attorneys, CPAs, and others.
Joining As A Business Broker Member
To join this category, you must be an active business broker.
There are two dues categories for broker members. Annual dues for the first broker from your company are $525 (company level). All other brokers joining from your company must pay dues of $375 per year (associate level). Both fees are subject to a one-time administrative fee of $100 paid at the time you file your application. Both your annual dues and your orientation fee must accompany your application to be considered for membership. Business brokers and associate memberships have voting rights. This membership includes an IBBA membership also.
Please remember your Application for Business Broker Membership cannot be processed unless all information requested is provided. Your membership will be approved upon receipt of a properly completed application and fees.
Joining As An Affiliate Member
To join in this category, you must be engaged in providing products and services to business brokers or the business brokerage industry. Affiliates do not have voting rights. Annual dues for all affiliate members are $250, plus the $100 administrative fee at the time you apply. This membership does NOT include all member benefits. Affiliates gets to choose whether they want an IBBA membership. The IBBA membership is $175 additional.
Click Here to Join or Renew Today!